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From the FN Manual A10 dated 1954 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the FN Manual B2 dated 1954 for the T48 Rifle (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor and the 10 round Horse Shoe Charger on the T48 Rifle) | From the FN Manual B4 dated 1954 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) |
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From the FN Manual C5 dated 1956 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor)
| From the FN Manual G5 dated 1959 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor)
| From the FN Manual C24 dated 1967 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the FN Manual C24 Light Automatic Rifle Cal 7.62mm dated 1981 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor)
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From the FN Manual MO - FAL - 01 Fr. (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the FN Manual Leichtes Automatisches Schnellfeuergewehr FN 7,62 x 51 mm | | |
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From the British Pamphlet 3A dated 1954 (From the trials rifle pamphlet, clearly showing the use of the chromed Mark 1 Horse Shoe Charger on both the MCA and X8E1 Rifle.) | From the British L1A1 Handbook dated 1959 (Note the use of the chromed Mark 2 Charger) | From the British Pamphlet 3B dated 1959 (Note the use of the chromed Mark 2 Charger) | From the British Pamphlet 3B dated 1965 (Note the use of the chromed Mark 2 Charger. These are cropped images of the one used in the 1959 pamphlet) |
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From the British EMER C 560 Instruction dated 1954 | From the British RAF Instruction A.P1651D dated 1961 |
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From the Canadian CAMT 7-51 Manual dated 1960 | From the Canadian CFP 317 Manual dated 1979 | From the Canadian Preliminary Data Summary Manual dated 1960 |
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From the Australian Pamphlet 3B dated 1971 (In
the Australian 1961 pamphlet, they instruct to soldier to strip the
rounds from the clips and load by hand into the magazine. By 1971 the
F1 loader had been developed and was in use) | From the Australian Pamphlet No. 5 dated 1983 (Note the use of a 30 round L2A1 Rifle magazine) | From the Australian Lithgow Technical Brochure dated c1982 (F1 Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the Rhodesian pamphlet The 7,62 mm FN Rifle and Bayonet dated 1972 (Mark 3 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) |
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From the Royal New Zealand Navy Manual TIAD(Guns) No. 021 dated 1962 | From the Royal New Zealand Navy Manual TIAD(Guns) No. 021 dated 1962 | From the New Zealand Cadet Forces Manual (Note the use of the chromed Mark 2 Charger. These are cropped images of the one used in the 1959 pamphlet) | From the Belgium Parts List B155-30-SCH-B01 dated 1981 |
From the Belgium Manual G226 dated 1962 and 1963 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) |
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From the Belgium Manual WGA00001 FAL Overzicht dated 1979 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the Argentina Manual De Utilizacion Fusil Automatico (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From Brazil Manual by Imbel | From the Croatian Manual Puska FAL 7.62 x 51 mm Uputa Za Uporabu dated 1995 (Mark 3 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) |
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From the German Manual Schmitt: Waffentechnifches Unterrichtsbuch dated 1958 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the German Manual Waffen-Schmidt dated 1968 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the German Manual Kurzbeschreibung Das Gewehr Kaliber 7,62 mm FN G1 dated c1957 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the German Das Gewehr Kaliber 7,62 mm x 51 (G1) Manual dated 1962 |
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From the Irish Manual 3-44581 dated 1964 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the Irish Manual 3-44581 dated 1975 (Mark 2 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the Dutch Manual VS9-507 Geweer 7.62-Millimeter, NATO, FAL, FN dated 1963 (Mark 3 Stripper Clip being used on the Magazine Charging Adaptor) | From the Dutch Manual GL9-507A Geweer 7.62mm, NATO, FAL, FN |
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From the American Manual TM 9-1300-200 dated 1961 | From the American Manual TM 9-1300-200 dated 1969 | From the American Manual TM 9-1305-201-20P dated 1981 |
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From the American Manual TM 9-1005-223-10 dated 1972 for the M14 Rifle |
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